Resumption of the liberation project, not a return to the settlement fold

One of the most prominent Western and Israeli political manifestations that observers follow with disgust is the discussion about supposed projects and solutions for the future of the Gaza Strip in the event of the elimination of “Hamas rule,” as they claim.

Attempts to adapt and break the will:

The discussion focuses on how to subvert the Gaza Strip, ensure the security of the Israeli entity, prevent Hamas and resistance forces from returning to power, accommodate a possible forced displacement of Gazans, restore the deterrent power of the entity, and the artificial image it tried to paint about itself in the past years. After its aggression on Gaza exposed the extent of its brutality, barbarism, and bloodshed.

The Western mind is preoccupied with how to return the Palestinians to the “fold” and not with how to liberate them from it. It is preoccupied with prolonging their suffering, ignoring their most basic rights, and prolonging Zionist occupation and oppression, legitimizing, expanding, and consolidating it.

Thus, after thirty years of British colonialism and 75 years of Zionist occupation, after 105 years of oppression, oppression, and suffering, years of steadfastness, Palestinian uprisings, and revolutions… The Western disregard for the natural rights of the Palestinian human being has not changed. They did not advance positively in a serious way, even for the half-solutions previously adopted and approved by the leadership of the PLO and the Arab regimes, such as the “two-state solution” with all its arbitrariness and injustice to the Palestinian people. Still, they provided the cover that the entity needs to evade this solution and to continue Judaization and settlement programs in Jerusalem and the West Bank until this solution fell. The Zionists were close to closing the Palestinian file in cooperation with Western powers and with the Arab printing regimes.

All the solutions presented were only trying to find some “temptation” for Palestinian and Arab parties to continue on blurry paths, which do not carry a real horizon or categorical commitments, a continuation that only serves the occupation. But it provides all the elements of bombing and revolution in the face and in the face of the occupation.

As for the basic message of the battle of the Al-Aqsa flood and the strongest blow that the Zionist entity has received since its establishment 75 years ago, it is that the Palestinian person cannot be ignored and cannot be adapted, and that the resistance is capable of turning the tables and imposing its equation at the Arab, regional, and international levels. Returning the Palestinian file to the top of the global agenda and that the theory of deterrence and Zionist security is a fallen theory. Normalization paths will not succeed, and there is no security or stability for settler communities in occupied Palestine at the expense of the rights, blood, and remains of the Palestinian people.

Sector Management Projects:

One of them talks about placing the Gaza Strip under an interim Arab administration from printing countries approved by America, such as the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan supported by American, French, British, and German forces. The second talks about the status of Gaza under an interim administration of the United Nations, and the third talks about trying to create an internal Palestinian administration of the notables of the Gaza Strip and its sons, with the help of UNRWA, and Egyptian, Jordanian, Emirati, Bahraini, and Moroccan security forces. It proposes that the forces be led by a Moroccan by virtue of the fact that the geographical distance gives it an advantage to be more acceptable. The fourth talks about a temporary Israeli rule pending the fulfillment of Israeli conditions, while a leaked Zionist scenario from Israeli intelligence as a fifth solution calls for the displacement of the residents of the Gaza Strip to Egypt and preventing their return as a radical solution to the “Gaza problem” and imposing their settlement on Egypt and the countries that can receive them. A sixth solution calls for the Ramallah authority to rule Gaza, but everyone understands that a self-presenting authority is a national authority that does not accept to appear to have come on the back of an Israeli tank. Therefore, most of the proposals tend to a transitional phase (two or three years) to arrange the situation in the Gaza Strip, under an administration that is not part of Hamas but seeks to liquidate Hamas’ influence in ministries, institutions, and influential positions.

Rejected and fallen projects:

These projects are rejected and fallen, and they have no feet to stand on and no environment for success, for several reasons. The first of which is that such projects despise the Palestinian will, do not respect the right of the Palestinian people to choose their leadership, and want to impose on them a leadership in accordance with Zionist-American specifications and standards, and want to remain their guardian. It is an arrogant and backward mentality that continues to live with illusions of domination, subjugation, and subjugation that have failed over the past hundred years. The Palestinian people are conscious, mature, and sacrificed people who will continue their struggle and sacrifices until they impose their will.

Second, some of these projects vaguely talk about the need for hope for the Palestinians, but they do not commit themselves to anything and do not seek to bind Israel to anything. They seek to restore the situation to its previous state of wandering and loss, and keep the Palestinians inside the “fold” and under control.

The third reason is that Hamas is an idea and ideology that cannot be eliminated, and it is an Islamic project for Palestine that mobilizes the nation and not just the Palestinian people towards the idea of liberation. Hamas’ popularity and its Palestinian, Arab, and Islamic roots are broad and deep. All attempts to eradicate and previous wars have only increased Hamas strength and breadth, and the line of resistance has become the line that expresses the Palestinian conscience around which more than 80% rally, and that this war will increase its credibility and breadth. At a time when the path of settlement and its program has fallen.

The fourth reason is that the theory of Israeli deterrence no longer exists, and that the Zionist project is facing existential questions related to its security and stability, and its ability to play real and significant roles in the region (for example, the role of the policeman). Israel’s brutal revenge, the massacres of thousands of children and women, and the destruction of schools, hospitals, mosques, and churches will only fuel the revolution and will only expand the desire for revenge and pursue the liberation project.

The fifth reason is that the battle is still in full swing, the resistance is still performing heroically, the popular incubator is still giving miraculous signs of patience, sacrifice, and fortitude, and that the Israeli occupation will not be able to impose its will on a mujahid people, and it may receive (God willing) a major setback added to the October 7 strike. Therefore, the occupation government is terrified of failure in its aggression against the Gaza Strip because it would mean the beginning of the countdown to this occupation.

Sixth, such projects and proposals must be seen as part of the psychological warfare practiced by the occupation and its Western allies. They will crash on the rock of resistance, just as dozens of failed projects that tried to impose the will of the occupation over decades have been shattered.

Finally, the Palestinian people and the nation are determined to liberate Palestine, and all attempts to subjugate them, subjugate them, or put them in the “settlement fold” are doomed to the dustbin of history.

Written by: A. Dr.. Mohsen Muhammad Saleh

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SAKHRI Mohamed
SAKHRI Mohamed

I hold a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and International Relations in addition to a Master's degree in International Security Studies. Alongside this, I have a passion for web development. During my studies, I acquired a strong understanding of fundamental political concepts and theories in international relations, security studies, and strategic studies.

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