Role Of Central Banks After The 2008 Financial Crisis : Price Stability And Financial Stability

Authors : Mohammed Amin Beneddine . Tahar Latrech .


With the rise of inflation in the 1960s and 1970s, economists, and also the public andpoliticians, began to discuss the high costs of inflation. according to that,almost all nations in the world are in a low inflation environment. Of 223countries, 193 currently have annual inflation rates less than or equal to 10 percent,while 149 have annual inflation rates less than or equal to 5 percent. The recent crisis showed that price stability does not guarantee macroeconomic stability. In several countries, dangerous financial imbalances developed under low inflation and small output gaps.To ensure macroeconomic stability, policy has to include financial stability as an additional objective. But a new objective demands new tools : macroprudential tools that can target specific sources of financial imbalances (something monetary policy is not well suited to do). Effective macroprudential policies (which include a range of constraints on leverage and the composition of balance sheets). This will make a serious challenges against central banks in both idustrialized and emerging economies


pricestability, inflation targeting, financial stability, monetary policy, macro-prudential policy

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SAKHRI Mohamed
SAKHRI Mohamed

I hold a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and International Relations in addition to a Master's degree in International Security Studies. Alongside this, I have a passion for web development. During my studies, I acquired a strong understanding of fundamental political concepts and theories in international relations, security studies, and strategic studies.

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