By- Amro Selim (Chairman of Elmoustkbal Organization for media, policy and strategic studies):
The media plays an important role in shaping awareness and awareness among viewers, readers and listeners, but if used in a structured and planned scientific way, it can act as the engine and control of the minds of the various categories of the public, do we remember the piece of clay we were playing in our childhood when we were easily shaped as desired In it, the public’s mind here is like a piece of clay that can be moved and controlled, but controlled and persuaded by the idea or create a specific event or situation and intimidate or intimidate the public from interacting with him.
Some believe that in order to control and direct something, you must hold it and control it manually, but the truth is quite the opposite, there is a simple example that we can explain to prove that someone X asked a group of individuals Is muscle stronger or mind?!
The majority responded by saying that the muscles are the strongest and most controlling and able to influence, so that person challenged one of the very seated “Y” to prove it to reality. “By telling him that he failed the test, which surprised everyone,” he went on, saying that the bottle broken by Y had a special chemical and once it touched it, it caused temporary paralysis of the person who touched it. And we talked together and predicted that the first possibility will resort to him when the emotion is to go to the nearest place where he looks, which is the table and the glass box, which seems strong to prove that it is stronger than everyone Temporary To prove that the mind can move a person towards a specific goal that was previously set to be the mind and body of that person as a tool used to achieve a specific goal can be achieved without knowing or even feel that person.
“wag the dog”
Let’s go further, let’s show together the book “American Hero” or “American Hero” by “Larry Pinhart,” which was then embodied in 1997 in the film “Wag the dog” or “Dog Tail”, He is helping the US president at some point to create an event that distracts the public from a scandal that almost rocked his upcoming election, and indeed the director is creating a fictitious situation that does not actually exist in building a fictional war in Albania, hoping the media will focus on this. The artificial event is preoccupied with it instead of that scandal, and behind that scene comes out a parallel scenario where it is invented A fictitious hero left behind enemy lines, the American nation must save him while motivating the public with a host of patriotic songs, expressive music and motivational solidarity programs, and indeed the director achieves his goal, and succeeds in covering up the scandal of the American president and enabling him to win a second term.
To be more precise and close to that, we will be presenting some scientific facts that focus on how the media can achieve various means of controlling the mind and providing the necessary guidance for it.And before we go into that, we must know how the mind works and thinks and receives different signals and interacts with them.
How does the human mind work?!!
Since our childhood begins to build our mind from the simple things that surround us and our different senses, such as smells and the texture of different things, that our minds are built and established through interaction with people and the environment around us based on the experiences we are exposed to and what we hear and see with our eyes and feel by our senses and thus become a childhood It is the basis of building mind and sound thinking. Our mind is like a super absorbent sponge from birth to the start of socializing and forming personal consciousness.
The perception of the human mind is based on stimulation and grows as well as the external stimuli it receives from the surrounding environment, the language, words and image that the individual receives from such influences as the media by all means adopt the mind and provoke interaction with him either positively or positively. The child up to the age of twelve of the most things that make up his personality, thought and mental composition, the media, whether audio, read or visual until the new media in all its ways plays a vital role in the formation of the personality of the individual since childhood and awareness and identity WGA.
The perception of the human mind is based on stimulation and also grows by the external stimuli it receives from the surrounding environment. Language, words and the image that the individual receives from such influences as the media in its entire means adopt the mind and provoke interaction with him either positively or positively. Until the age of twelve of the most things that constitute his personality, thought and mental composition, that is, the media means whether audio, read or visual until the new media in all its ways plays a vital role in shaping the personality of the individual since childhood and also his identity and consciousness till adult.
Do not forget here the relevance of thinking and mood of the individual sense of despair, frustration or happiness and optimism and the ability of external enhancers to influence them and perhaps change them One study showed that the mind that wanders a lot during the work is more affected by frustration, depression, despair and affected by negative thought Distracted by any means and the media tool here most notably be more able to be influenced by external factors and loss of focus, which facilitates the control and control to reach to transform her mood significantly.
The eye is the means of the individual to transfer what happens around him from different events within his mind to start the brain to interact with them and make the necessary decisions to be transferred to the rest of the body to interact with them, and the interaction of the eyes reflects the mental and mental state of the individual, where the widening of the eye expresses a state of fear, or narrowing The eye indicates a state of disgust that affects a person, the appearance of the eye indicates about 501 complex mental states such as dread and hatred revolve within the mind, that is, the mental state is easily embodied to appear on the body and also transmits complex social information such as personal and intellectual features despite the different cultures and composition. Not that they are somewhat similar in the reflection of emotional expressions on the body.
In the context of the media can simply know the mental and psychological internal state of the program or guest or recipient in general through the interaction of his eyes and his body and also the impact of the viewer or the listener to interact with him from the media through the interaction of his body with those influences.
One of the scientific studies has reduced the impact of the media on the mental and psychological state of the viewer in particular, claiming that it does not mean that you are watching a fast-track movie will deal quickly with what you meet in your daily life or when you play an electronic game will imitate what you have done on the ground, and study advised The audience develops self-control strategies, as you do with all the other temptations in life, turn off email or Twitter when you work, switch off your mobile phone at dinner time, and ask your wife to call you to sleep at a specific hour. The study emphasized the role of educational institutions by encouraging students for self-depth search away from the technology for some time to stimulate the mind and keep the high IQ ratios of the individual rather than laziness, inaction and weak intellectual situation resulting from the replacement of the human mind modern digital tools.
But what is interesting is that the human mind can wander in a virtual world and sail his income and live in it and develop a vision for the future and sees a fantasy world that did not exist before but makes a set of future assumptions, and found in one study that man does not choose to put himself in that situation but The lack of time spent on relaxation or self-entertainment caused him to do so, as he found that those who had exercised at least one recreational activity in the past 24 hours, such as watching television, social networking or reading for fun, 83% of them said they did not spend much time In “Relax or Think”, however, at the same time he found a They feel fun when directing their thinking to what they enjoy, which indicates that it is easy to direct ideas and mind to fun trends and live in them and are in a state affected by positive stimuli such as attractive images as well as negative such as the shortcomings they suffer in something, the study concluded that Individuals are absorbed their minds sometimes through interesting ideas and illusions, which tells us that the media medium can play the role directed here by displaying songs, pictures or videos motivational citizen to release his mind wandering in those media materials and create his psychological and emotional state For the desired thought whether negative or positive.
Do not forget also that you can control how you feel or even the sense of happiness or depression of others. You can create the mood of others in simple ways, as the human brain secretes 3 substances that help to feel happy, but it needs 3 stimuli to be realized:
1- Dopamine: achieved what you set a goal and reward yourself when you reach it, and can be stimulated by eating some diets containing starches, as well as exercise.
2- Serotonin: You will find when you participate in a group work to achieve a sense of importance, you will feel that you have an influential role in your surroundings, and can be provoked by eating some meals such as eggs, cheese and nuts.
3- Hormone oxytocin: appear in the emotional social relations and can be stimulated by eating dark chocolate.
This means that you can create a sense of happiness and optimism for yourself, and also for those around you which is called “emotional intelligence.”
Mind Theory
Of course before you submit your media article you must know in advance your target audience, and his mental and age groups, as well as what you want to reach the information of course interacts with and believes to a great extent, so you must enter within his mind to know what he thinks and feelings that Controls him and the questions that revolve or will rotate in his mind while interacting with what media material you will present.
You should therefore recognize the “counterpart of reason” that explains the behavior of others, and enables you to predict it and know how your audience reacts to your media message even before it appears.
You should be aware that other people are determined by their goals, in addition to know that they have different perspectives of what you see. From your study of the circumstances of the person’s origin, environment, beliefs, behavior, and controlling thinking, you can predict their reactions in many situations before doing.
For example, through the type of music that someone hears you can identify their psychological state and the extent of arrival of the situation of couriers or depression and the impact on their reactions, which will then appear in the decisions that will be made, also the psychological state of the individual appear through the handwriting, which is called “science study” Graphology is the science of character analysis through the physical qualities of handwriting, a science used to reveal the mental state of a text writer at the time of his writing or even to assess his personal qualities.
Of course, it is difficult to know all of these details for your target audience, which may be broad and unlikely to access all of that data, but if you are targeting a specific group or similar group can do some research and careful scrutiny of the comments of the followers and encourage them to provide feedback for scrutiny and then Study it further and interact with it scientifically to create an informative material that affects your target audience.
The formation of public opinion
The media, especially websites and social media sites, have shifted from playing the role of transmitting or displaying the information to controlling the events, whether by inflating and igniting them on the ground or diminishing their importance and changing their direction and reducing the rates of interaction with them. The way it is presented, which changes the role of that medium from mere presentation of the event to the mentor and control, the formation of public opinion, whether local or even international and mobilize the necessary support for the goal to be achieved.
There are some studies that indicate that a human sane animal makes its decisions and show emotions based on the information it receives, so information is the vital axis for the formation of public awareness and perception of society or individual, there are several methods adopted by the media to form public opinion such as:
Use glamorous slogans to mislead public opinion – Launch labels and withdraw everyone as if they are taken for granted – Unite with the target audience using media discourse – Use enthusiastic expressions, images and symbols to exploit an event – Psychological linkage with the public and approach the emotional intuition – Use of words dropped – beginning Criticism from the narrow space to get out of the broader scope – Justification for mobilizing public opinion – Launching test balloons to measure public opinion – Fabricating false stories or theories or manipulating facts to serve an interest Lissy for the topic under discussion.
The psychological impact of the media in light of the communications revolution
The emergence of modern media and social networking sites has not only revolutionized the media but also media psychology and its role in shaping public thought and measuring the pulse of the masses. After the emergence of social media sites, and the ability of the public to create and share news, but to intervene and change its course in many cases, the theory of the psychological effects of the media summarizes that the public will respond equally to what they interact with the media material, ie if there Scenes or news with increased violence will create similar violence for the public on the ground.
The communication process that performs this psychological effect consists of several components:
1- Sender: It is the person who provides the information material, and is affected by (communication skills, writing, speaking, reading, observation, listening, thinking, analysis of events, level of knowledge and experience, cultural and social environment, psychological and intellectual composition(.
2- Recipients of the information material (public (
3- The media message to be delivered.
4- The means used in the transfer of influence (media tool(.
5- Echo.
The factors that affect the effectiveness of the caller or sender are (the credibility of the caller – his attractiveness and personal abilities to attract the recipient “charisma” – his flexibility in dealing with emergency or extraordinary events with flexibility and speed), and here the source corresponds to three types of audience ( Stubborn, difficult to control, sensitive, fast-acting, and sympathetic).
The theory of media influences summarizes that the media can control and control the public, raise its incentives, whether negative or positive, and affect it and blockade it in a holistic manner, and dominate the process of forming the ideas of public opinion.
The impact of body language on the media message
Body language, any different body movements is a very important factor in communicating the media message or information in general to the recipient, but goes beyond that by increasing the confidence of the future in the extent of its validity and its ability to interact with them and also faith in them. Provides and reflects the extent of the ability of the sender of the possibilities and confidence in the strength of his personality expressions of the body of the person expresses the extent of interaction with others and also the body language of individuals express the level of being influenced by what he says or do
Studies have found that much of the information we use to shape our impression of others comes from non-verbal communication, such as the way we talk, facial expression, eye look, physical appearance such as gravity, tallness, body consistency, and the color we wear and concluded that a person who displays positive physical language will be evaluated. More positively than others who deal with negative physical expressions until a number of researchers agree that you can deliver a message without saying a word through a focused insight into, for example,
Body language also occupies a prominent place in the analysis of the speech of officials figures, which is already happening in the major media and information institutions around the world from the analysis of the body language of some influential personalities that can contribute to know what is going on in their minds and also anticipate their reaction to various things, and a statement Behind those words uttered by his tongue
Your physical signal may play an important role in communicating your media message to the public and may also cause it to collapse and influence it negatively. Therefore, the media must deal properly with these signals and also note the body language of the public if it is in an open meeting or a public seminar or other things that meet Citizens face to face to assess the extent to which his target audience was influenced by his message and their interaction with him
At the same time, we should not lose sight of the fact that there are some signs of the body that are difficult to control, which are called “expose the owner” such as dilated pupils or redness of the face or sweating and there are other things that can be trained to control such as tone of voice, and sitting Also look the eye and how to move the shoulders and palm and their direction and always remember that it is possible to falsify the person in front of his body language for a short time, but it is difficult to do so for a long time and with careful observation can be seen easily difference
The media has evolved considerably over the past ten years and has entered the internet and social networking sites as a strong competitor to the traditional media. The news and analysis of events and programs carried out and performed by citizens spontaneously simple into regional competition, perhaps global, and many citizens have become competing with many of the major media in viewership rates and even surpassed them in Many cases have turned the pages of YouTube and Facebook, for example, a source of news and youth programs that convey events in a cynical manner, as well as the expression of opinion and various community issues, but despite all that there are many basics that must be taken into account by the media or citizen journalist when submitting his media message Through any means such as knowing how the recipient thinks and understands his message, and also how the media material can be directed to the public in a correct scientific way to ensure the positive impact and interaction desired with them, as well as body language to be able to convince his audience his idea, and also attract them to rise with private media article through social networking site.
1- The researcher recommends the attention and training of those working in the media, either as professionals or amateurs on the basics of the theory of mind, methods of perception, thinking, and body language before doing the media message to ensure the desired interaction.
2- Development of media institutions and the development of the media structure to cope with the tremendous development in social networking sites after some of those institutions are at the bottom of the interests and wishes of the public.
3- Involve those who have the ability to perform effectively from the public – especially young people – in the presentation of paragraphs within the talk shows in a simple automatic way because of the ability to break the deadlock and monotony of “talk show” television programs, especially in the Arab world.
4- Maintaining the independence of the media or the media medium of any kind and making its main objective to provide honest information to the public, constitutes the most important points for the success of that medium and those who are responsible for it, knowing that the background of the public prior to the orientation of the sender leads to the loss of interaction with him and the lack of credibility of his audience.
5- If a citizen is a journalist or a journalist and uses his media to present a personal point of view, he must express it frankly, and not make it the one truth that cannot be debated or debated.
6- Distinguish between the presentations of the news item or the event from the submission of the message. The presentation includes the fixed facts fixed by conclusive evidence, whether video, audio, document or other documents, while the analysis is to discuss those facts or events and detailed and anatomy of its initial elements to reach beyond the event.
7- Selecting your media means after you identify your target audience and then begin the stage of choosing how to display the media material, each means different in the way you use to display your media material from the other.
8- Not only to provide information material, but you must measure the extent of interaction with them and study the comments of the public, and ways of thinking, and interaction with what you offer, to start taking into account what you need from those observations when you start your next work.
9- Always remember that the acceptance of the public is the result of your credibility and independence in the presentation of the event and the extent of your ability to read the right behind the event and presented in a simple way make the audience can interact with him.
10- Good preparation of scientific material, and knowledge of the aspects of the subject matter, the sender’s confidence in the media material appear on his speech and movements of his body and the tone of his voice and the look of his eye.
11- Your strength in distinguishing you and your difference from others .. Therefore make you your own distinctive style and do not try to imitate others.
12- There is a so-called “temporary attack” which is most often by the public, which is normal due to the change of mood and psychological conditions and the circumstances surrounding them, do not lose your confidence in yourself if you are convinced of what you do, and be frank with your audience that you are consistent on your position and explain Have the reasons for the stability and confidence and remember that the recipient is not attracted or trusted in the sender is weak or is confident of himself.
13- Follow carefully social networking sites, and make sure any information you get before you provide it to your audience, and make your nomenclature clear when the show, such as “certainly – perhaps – possible – probably – about – about – waiting for happen”.
14- Do not look at the information material coming to you directly, but search and analyze what does not appear in a scientific way planned professional and careful and intelligent.
15- Always remember that the tongue speaks, the eyes confirm the message, and the body interacts with the media material, to play your entire body orchestra aim to communicate your media message to the public, and stimulate the positive interaction with them.
Arabic references:
– أحمد الأسد، الذكاء العاطفي، إدراك، سبتمبر 2019.
– أ. م . د سلام خطاب أسعد، الاعلام وصناعة اللرأي العام دراسة وصفية لأساليب ومسالك صناعة الرأي العام، مجلة آدآب الفرآهيدي، العدد 17، ديسمبر 2013.
– د. عبدالحافظ عواجی صلوي، نظرية التاثير الإعلامية، المركز السوري لبحوث الرأي العام، 25 يونيو 2010.
English references:
-Allan Pease and Barbara Pease, the Definitive Book of Body Language, Penguin House Publishing Group, 2006.
– Daniel H. Lee1,2 and Adam K. Anderson, Reading What the Mind Thinks From How the Eye Sees, Psychological Science. 2017.
– Helen L. Gallagher and Christopher D. Frith, Functional imaging of “theory of mind”, TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences Vol.7 No.2, February 2003.
– Iain Greenlees, Richard Buscombe, Richard Thelwell, Tim Holder, and Matthew Rimmer, Impact of Opponents’ Clothing and Body Language on Impression Formation and Outcome Expectations, Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, March 2005.
– Larry Beinhart, American Hero, 1993
– Nicole Ellerbeck,1 Cheryl Hahn, Casey L. Brown, Adi Shaked, Just think The challenges of the disengaged mind, American Association for the Advancement of Science, JULY 2014, VOL 345 ISSUE 6192.
– Ronald Kotulak, inside the brain revolutionary Discoveries of How the Mind Works, Andrews McMeel Publishing, August 1997
– STEVEN PINKER, Mind over Mass Media, New York Times, June 10, 2010
– Wag the dog movie, 1997
– Yu-Qin Deng & Song Li & Yi-Yuan Tang, The Relationship Between Wandering Mind, Depression and Mindfulness, Springer Science Business Media, New York 2012.