Problématique du développement des industries agroalimentaires en Algérie

By Horri Khelifa, Dahane Azeddine and Maatoug Mhamed


Food processing industry in algeria constitutes an important link of the national industrial network. This is because it plays an important role in the country’s economy. In fact, it takes part efficiently and provides a sustainable way in improving the GDP, and in reducing the rate of unemployment in a country. For this purpose, the government has accorded a special attention to its development during the last decade. Therefore, through the adoption and the concrete application of different policies and strategies, this industry aims at positioning again the driving force of this sector, as well as the economic sphere of the country. Hence, this was first achieved by a better integration of the upstream and downstream sector for these activities. Also, it was followed by a qualitative and quantitative improvement of its competitiveness facing an increasingly fierce competition

Publisher: ‘European Scientific Institute, ESI’

Year: 2015

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Provided by: European Scientific Journal (European Scientific Institute)

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SAKHRI Mohamed
SAKHRI Mohamed

Je suis titulaire d'une licence en sciences politiques et relations internationales et d'un Master en études sécuritaire international avec une passion pour le développement web. Au cours de mes études, j'ai acquis une solide compréhension des principaux concepts politiques, des théories en relations internationales, des théories sécuritaires et stratégiques, ainsi que des outils et des méthodes de recherche utilisés dans ces domaines.

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