As 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the most often repeated statement around the world, including the Arab region, about the Asian rising superpower is: ‘It is very difficult to understand China’.
Read MoreArabs should find it easy to understand China
The purpose of this study is to highlight the most important topical in the field of diplomacy, by analysing the different roles played by digital diplomacy as a new type of diplomatic activity.
Read MoreSoft Cultural infiltration.. What role for Israel digital diplomacy
This study looks to extract the public relations models (James Grunig) practiced in post disaster diplomacy by the Algerian government related to the 21 May 2003 BOUMERDES Earthquake and their roles in internal/external communication.
Read MoreThe public relations legitimacy: Disaster diplomacy an agent of legitimacy
Once again, Malaysia is back on headlines, its attempt to establish democracy is ground to a halt, and it is indeed an exhibition of what the pandemic can do to domestic politics.
Read MoreThe Convoluted Malaysian Political Scene
20 years after the overthrow of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, the movement has returned to seize control of the country.
Read MoreThe image of the new Taliban.. A discourse to change or to maneuver?
Much like his candidacy, Donald Trump’s presidency has been described as populist par excellence and as fundamentally breaking with the liberal internationalist tradition of American foreign policy.
Read MorePopulism and President Trump’s approach to foreign policy: An analysis of tweets and rally speeches
Wednesday’s legislative elections in Morocco delivered a crushing defeat to the ruling Justice and Development Party, or PJD, a moderate Islamist party that had been the largest in Parliament since 2011.
Read MoreMorocco’s Elections Won’t Deliver Political Change
Twenty years ago, a major terrorist attack against the U.S. homeland shocked a country many imagined to be as indispensable as it was exceptional.
Read MoreThe Attacks of 9/11 and the Pernicious Mirage of Victory
Twenty years ago America set out to reshape the world order after the attacks of September 11th. Today it is easy to conclude that its foreign policy has been abandoned on a runway at Kabul airport.
Read MoreThe real lessons from 9/11: America risks swinging from hubris to muddle
WILL ANYTHING ever be the same? In the days after 9/11, when all were stunned, it was clear the world had changed profoundly.
Read MoreHow the world changed
Ousted Afghan president Ashraf Ghani left Afghanistan on August 15th when the Taliban reached the outskirts of the capital Kabul.
Read MoreAmerican Surrender and Regional Acceptance After Taliban’s Takeover of Afghanistan
The spokesperson of China's foreign ministry Hua Chunying affirmed on August 16 that China hopes that Taliban will fulfill its promises and end the war in Afghanistan, having managed to take full control of Kabul, the capital.
Read MoreHow will China seek to benefit from Taliban after the fall of Kabul ?