Algeria and Morocco again

The Algerian decision two days ago to sever diplomatic relations with Morocco did not come as any kind of surprise to me. It is going to the worse… The Algerian-Moroccan contradiction is deeper and more comprehensive than the issue of Western Sahara. The contradiction is in the political system, in internal and external policies, and in political culture, not to mention a history burdened with hostility between the two countries, in addition to the geostrategic conflict between the two countries over who is the center of the region. I have previously written in One of my articles on the Israeli-Moroccan relations, and I warned of the growing Israeli interest in the study of Algeria dramatically in Israel, and I published a list of these studies, and my colleague Dr. Abdulaziz Jarad (during his tenure as prime minister) responded to my warning of the increasing Israeli planningTo create a state of turmoil in Algeria, opinion polls indicate that the Israelis believe that Algerian society is the Arab society that most hates Israel, and that it should be dragged into the field of normalization or exhausted.

It is also necessary to realize that the Moroccan-Israeli relationship is not far from the tensions of the Moroccan-Algerian relations, the latest of which is the divergence of the two countries’ positions regarding granting Israel an observer seat in the African Union.

As a reminder, Morocco’s relations with Israel began secretly since the beginning of the sixties of the last century” when Israel sent to Morocco in October 1963 Mister warplanes and French-made tanks through a deal arranged by the Shah of Iran to confront the Algerian forces (this information was contained in a study entitled (Israel and Morocco), which was written by the Israeli researcher Einat Levy in 2018 at the Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies (page 3), and the same Israeli study refers to Israel’s provision of drones to Morocco (Al-Masirah). In 2013 through France, not to mention that Morocco amended its constitution in 2011. The new Moroccan constitution stipulates that the “Hebrew-Jewish heritage is part of the components of the Moroccan heritage.”(A text that is not found in the constitution of any Arab or Islamic country), and as a result of this constitutional amendment, all synagogues, schools and Jewish cemeteries in Morocco were restored and maintained. The Justice and Development Party.

The Jewish lobby, especially among Moroccan Jews, plays a role in strengthening American-Moroccan relations in return for developing Israeli-Moroccan relations. It is necessary to realize that the Moroccan Jewish community in Israel, whose number, according to the Israeli census, is about half a million (35% of whom were born in Morocco and the rest are their children), is the second The largest of the Jewish communities after the Russian Jews, and it is necessary to realize that the last three Israeli governments (the previous two governments of Netanyahu and the current Naftali Bennett government) included a total of 21 Israeli ministers of Moroccan origin, and that the proportion of Moroccan Jews in the Israeli military and security institutions exceeds their population proportion.If we move to the field of Morocco’s diplomatic role in helping Israel penetrate the Arab region, we find that in 1976 the Moroccan king met with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, and was behind arranging the Camp David Accords in secret meetings between Sadat and Israeli leaders in Morocco, and Morocco was leaking through the recordings. Confidential dialogues in Arab summit meetings, he also contributed to the issue of the Algerian revolution leaders’ plane and handing them over to French intelligence, and cooperated with Western and Israeli intelligence to get rid of Moroccan leader Mahdi Ben Barka in 1965.

As for Moroccan internal politics, it is sufficient for the reader to familiarize the reader with the book published in 2012 entitled (Predator King) written by (Cathrine Graciet and EricLaurent), who lived for some time in the royal palace, or for the reader to see the interview of the newspaper “Al-Massa al-Maghribiya” in 2009 with Shimon Levy ( who worked in the Casablanca Museum) and how Morocco organized in the sixties of the last century the displacement of Jews to Palestine “even though most of them did not want to emigrate,” as Levy says himself, and the first public meeting between former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres and King Hassan II was in 1986, and this was followed in 1994 by the opening of the Israeli Liaison Office in Rabat, then two years later by the Moroccan office in Tel Aviv, followed in 1999 by Israel issuing a postage stamp bearing the image of the Moroccan King, the year in which the Israeli-Moroccan trade exchange rose to about fifty million dollars to reach more than 87 million in 2015), and about fifty thousand visitedIn 2000, a delegation from the Israeli Air Force, comprising 25 experts, visited Morocco and met with the Moroccan military. After that, representatives of 24 Israeli companies from various production sectors arrived in Morocco.

In 2003, Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom visited Rabat, carrying a message from the Prime Minister. Israeli Ariel Sharon, and a year later, Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni met her Moroccan counterpart at the time, Muhammad Ben Issa, and in 2019 Netanyahu met with Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita on the sidelines of the United Nations meetings.
Once again… my dear friends in Algeria, “Beautiful eyes, the devil is crawling towards you”…

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SAKHRI Mohamed
SAKHRI Mohamed

I hold a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and International Relations in addition to a Master's degree in International Security Studies. Alongside this, I have a passion for web development. During my studies, I acquired a strong understanding of fundamental political concepts and theories in international relations, security studies, and strategic studies.

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